This is an individually prepared assessment task. To complete this assessment task you need to conduct independent research online to identify a Code of Conduct that is in use by a business at present. You will contrast this code with the Australian Computer Society (ACS) Code of Professional Conduct highlighting the similarities/differences in the selected Code. You will discuss omissions and make recommendations for future inclusion in and revisions to, the selected Code.
The report must be at least 1500 words in length, contain a logical structure (headings and sub headings) and be written in professional business English. This assessment task is worth twenty per cent your final mark for this unit.
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This assessment task must be completed individually. It should be 1500 words in length (excluding the reference list and the copy of your selected Code which must be provided in an appendix) and provide Harvard format references for all references cited within the body of your report. At a minimum you must provide Harvard format citations and references to show where your background research and Code of Conduct was sourced.
You must include an appropriate introduction to the report to provide context for the reader. It must describe why the report has been written and what it contains in an opening paragraph.
You must research the business that developed your selected Code and provide a background section (in your own words) to your report that highlights what their core business is, when they were established, how many employees they have, and the major divisions within the business.
You must provide a detailed analysis of your selected Code of Conduct. You should compare and contrast it with the Australian Computer Society Code of Professional Conduct. Identify what your selected Code is missing or has that the ACS Code doesn’t. Make recommendations based on your analysis. What should your selected code include? Should any points be omitted? Be sure to justify your recommendations and connect them clearly to your analysis. The report must finish with a conclusion that summarises key points from your analysis and reiterates your key recommendations.
You should aim to paraphrase sources where possible, writing the report in your own words and including citations and corresponding reference list entries to demonstrate research. Your report must be submitted to Turnitin. Similarity index may exceed the twenty per cent ideal given the cross referencing to the Codes in your analysis and the inclusion of your selected Code in an appendix. Please see your tutor for advice if Turnitin highlights similarity outside of quotations from either Code or your copy of the entire Code (included in an appendix) on submission to Turnitin. Note that you can resubmit your report up until the submission deadline. Initial originality results are returned within minutes. Resubmission results can take up to twenty four hours to process.
The report should be written in the third person (e.g. do not use I, we or our). You should write in simple, professional business language. As noted in the marking criteria overleaf, marks are awarded for report clarity, structure, detailed, relevant analysis and recommendations. The criteria awards up to a total of twenty marks which equates to twenty per cent of the final unit assessment.
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