IoT and IoE Presentations.

You are an IT client consultant and have been asked by your IT manager to provide an impactful IT-based presentation with an infographic handout for non-technical employees that discusses IoT. The goal is to allow the client to see possibilities for further web enablement and areas for potential further business growth.

Create an 8- to 10­-slide, multimedia-rich presentation that presents the concept of IoT to non-technical computer users. Be sure to discuss the following:

  • Advantages
  • Features
  • Convenience
  • Consumer applications
  • Commercial applications
  • Industrial applications
  • Life enhancement
  • Trends and characteristics
  • Security concerns relative to organizational use

Create a 1-page infographic handout, using an infographic tool of your choice, covering the topic of IoT that employees will be able to use as a quick reference. 

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IoT and IoE Presentations

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