At the beginning of the semester you are asked to pick a country (that is not your home country) whose international news you will follow over the course of the quarter. Roughly every three weeks, you will turn in a 2-page summary and analysis of internationalnews that affects your country, not just on affairs that are purely domestic.  I will periodically take time in class to allow you to share what is going on, and you will become our resident international correspondent on your country of choice. You need to clear your country with me before you begin, so we don’t have duplicates.  You can search in many reputable news sources, but a good place to start is the New York Times International/Global section.  World Press – (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. – is also helpful.  

Format:Indicate which World News assignment you’re submitting (WN #1, WN #2, etc.)

State which country you are followingHave an interesting title that is responsive to your report

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Begin with a short paragraph (1/3 page) that ends with a thesis statement in bold

The thesis should reflect your analysis of the situation – i.e. what you think about what you’re writing about

Cite sources properly at the end (don’t just provide web links)

Have a minimum of two sources 

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