Issue Paper #1.

 Must be 5-7 pages in length and strictly follow APA 6th Edition format.  

Each paper must reference a minimum of three scholarly articles.  Three is a minimum; therefore, three is minimally meeting the standard (C – grade).  More than three is required for maximum.   Other sources should be evaluated for their credibility (just because it is on the web does not mean it is an accurate trusted source). I have given you a start with at least one scholarly article listed for each topic.

The issue must also be linked to experience in at least one critical incident as part of the discussion.  Previous incidents will be discussed in the scholarly articles; more information can be developed directly from AAR reports.  See the list of AARs that I have developed and please let me know of any others that can be added to the list.

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The paper should also reference any relevant government policy.

For each topic I have given you a start with links to scholarly articles and one or more other important resources.  This is a start, if you write the paper from just the sources I provide it will be severely lacking.  Not all resources are directly available from the link.   I have not formatted these as APA resources; they are simply titles and links.  

Issue Paper #1: Topics

2)      Pro-Social and Anti-Social Behavior in Critical Incidents

Anticipating Human Behavior in Disasters:

Looting and Anti-Social Behavior in Disasters: 

Issue Paper #1

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