IT case study.

Discussion Question 5

In Class Excersise 2

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CRM Technologies Build Versus Buy Analysis and Program Management

You work for a large Boston based investment firm.  They are currently using an older CRM (Client Relationship Management) system.  It was home grown/built in house 10 years ago and has served them well but like all old systems, newer technologies have come along that are slicker, more integrated and higher functioning in general.

Your boss has come to you and asked you to begin the process of researching solutions.  You could

  1. Build a new one – probably from scratch to use newer technologies
  2. Analyze commercial purchase-able cloud based solutions

Your task is to create a framework to evaluate all/any short term and longer term costs associated with software ownership.  Build versus buy.

Creativity and original ideas and concepts are encouraged.  Use google, use lecture material and use your intuition.  The delivery is a framework that identifies what you have to analyze.  The resulting work will be presented to the class as a team.

IT case study

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