ITMG421- Paper.

Assignment Instructions

Students in this course will write a term paper on Virtual Team Management & Success that covers all the sections covered in the class. It is highly encourage to start developing your paper from week one. Your paper must be in depth and address the main areas of class objectives that include;

  • Building High performance Virtual teams
    • Profiles of Virtual team success
    • Differentiators of great teams (RAMP model)
    • Virtual team launch kit
  • Leading virtual teams
    • How to lead virtual team
    • Team accelerating factors
    • Facilitating high impact Virtual team meetings
  • Conclusion
    • Six lessons for successful Virtual teams

The paper is due at the end of week 8 and must be APA compliant. The paper should be at least 5 pages excluding cover page and references section. The paper should be prepared in Microsoft Word and uploaded to the Week 8 Paper tab.  Additional instructions if necessary will be in the Final paper instructions or amplified in the weekly course announcements.

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