
Unit I Journal


The Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918–1919 spread worldwide and occurred in waves, resulting in the deaths of nearly five percent of the world population. Do you think your community is vulnerable to a flu pandemic today? What has your community changed since the Great Flu Pandemic of 1918–19 that affects your answer?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Unit II Journal 

Describe a human caused disaster in your community or a community near you. Do you believe that this disaster was a result of failure of complex systems? Why, or why not? What could have been done to prevent such a disaster in the community?

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Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Unit II Essay 


Write an essay including four pictures with clear captions and citations describing how emergency management has changed over the last 50 years in your community. Compare those years to that of the Post-Katrina era. Be sure to identify your community.

Interview those in your community to determine lessons learned and improvements that have come from major disasters that have occurred specifically since Hurricane Katrina. Has emergency management been affected based on any events? How?

What changes have there been in mitigation? Preparedness? Has your community been involved in any major disasters? Describe the progression towards federal government involvement in disaster response and recovery during this period. Describe the stakeholders, emergency services participants, and how disasters were managed over the last 50 years. Be sure to cite your sources.

Be sure to include pictures that would be useful to your discussion. Some suggestions would be to include pictures of events during the disaster and during the recovery period after the disaster.

Some examples of disaster mitigation actions are building codes, warning sirens, and fire codes.

Your essay should be four pages in length, not counting the pictures that you will insert in the Word document, your title or reference page. Your paper should be in A&P format with at least two academic sources, one of which must come from the CSU Online Library. Please be sure to include at least four pictures with clear captions and citation.

Unit III Journal


According to the textbook, the Federal Disaster Assistance Act of 1950 (P.L. 81-875) defined the roles and responsibilities during natural disasters. Once the President issued a disaster declaration, federal relief resources could flow to the affected areas for response and recovery. The president would then delegate administrative control of relief efforts to the Housing and Home Finance Administration. This law also instituted the federal role in natural disasters as a supportive role, while instituting primary responsibility for disaster response and recovery with local and state governments. How had this changed by 1978? Why did it change? Do you agree with the change?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Unit III PowerPoint Presentation 


Pick one of the following types of disasters in the United States, and present how disaster response and emergency management have changed (or not changed) over the last 100 years for that type of disaster:

  • hurricanes,
  • earthquakes,
  • tornadoes,
  • flooding,
  • fires, or
  • man-made accident disasters (not terrorism).

Recommend further improvements in your concluding slide. Describe how lessons learned from 1900 to present time contributed to improved disaster planning and response.

Your presentation should be a minimum of 10 slides, not counting the title slide or reference slide. You must include a minimum of five images in your presentation. These images should be appropriate and support the content of the presentation. In addition, you are required to include speaker notes that further explain the content of the slides. You should include at least three sources, and cite and reference any information from those sources in A& P format.

Unit IV Journal


The textbook describes Presidential Disaster Declarations and states that to some degree, they constitute a chronological record of the pain and suffering caused by the major focusing events that have occurred in the United States history. The process has also changed over time in an effort to make them more effective. Do you think the process for Presidential Disaster Declarations is effective, today? What would you change to make these declarations more effective?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Unit IV Scholarly Activity


Look at the events from 1979–2001 in your textbook on pages 132–133. During this period, there were a multitude of events such as hurricanes, flooding, and earthquakes that required a Presidential Declaration for assistance in that particular state.

Create a table similar to that on pages 132–133 that includes events from 2002–current year. The table should include the following information:

You may use Word or Excel to create your table. Include at least five events in your table. You may find these websites helpful in your research:

Next, write a summary that coordinates with the five events in the table. In your summary for each disaster, you should cover the following information.

  • Correlate each disaster listed in the table to the implementation of disaster-focused improvement for that event. In other words, what did we learn as a nation when the event occurred?
  • Was the United States prepared for this event?
  • Did our disaster response meet the needs of the communities impacted by the event?
  • Were special programs, resources, or monies created to better prepare for another event similar to this one?
  • Describe how the stand up of FEMA changed emergency management and disaster response.

Your document should be at least three pages in length (including the table you have created). If you created the table in Excel, be sure to place that chart in your Word document. You may do this by using the Snip It Tool or taking a snap shot of the chart. You must include at least three sources in your research, and the information should be cited and referenced in A &P format.


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