Assessing the current state of the business before starting the full project is a necessity when it comes to working with infrastructure. International Plastics, Inc., a manufacturing company, hired you as a technology consultant to work with the company to review their resources and develop a plan for their infrastructure needs.

Your first step is to become familiar with their current documentation and provide a status update to the executives.

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Review the ZIP file for International Plastics, Inc. documentation.

Write an executive summary of International Plastics, Inc.’s business requirements for an upcoming discussion with the CEO. As a general guideline, executive summaries are typically 1 to 2 pages in length, at 12 pt font, and single-spaced. 

Include the following information:

  • A high-level description of the current IT infrastructure including network, information systems, applications, mobile computing, data management, business intelligence, and security.
  • An overview of the operational environment.
  • An explanation of how a new IT infrastructure will improve business performance.
  • A chart listing at least three examples of technology hardware upgrades and how they will improve business performance.

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