Leader Analysis Assessment. This is the final assessment part of a cluster of AACSB initiatives.  You must complete it before thend of the term but after Module 4.  To do this assessment,  first read the following article: Sims Faraj & Yun (2009).pdfPreview the document and then view (if you have not already done so) the docudrama “Pirates of Silicon Valley (Links to an external site.)” (1999)  available online.

Once you have completed the preparatory work,  Download the Assessment Document (MBA 683 AACSB Assessment.docxPreview the document ). Rename the document to begin with your last name.   Follow the instructions on completing it and upload it here when you are done.

The work here is not extensive, do not develop long essays.  These are relatively short answer responses of about 3-5 sentences with the  essays being no more 250-300 words.

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Submission Instructions:

Make sure your name is in the header of the document and include page numbers.  Follow APA formatting in your references as needed, and the general APA conventions on the document (sans-serif 12pt font like Arial, Helvetica or Century Gothic, 1″ margins, etc.).

Submit your document only as one of the following file types:  ., .doc,

Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.

Very Proficient:


Thesis is clearly stated and developed; specific examples are appropriate and clearly develop thesis; conclusion is clear; ideas flow together well; good transitions; succinct but not choppy; well-organized.

AACSB  Leader Analysis Assessment –


AACSB Essay Question Set 1:

1. Describe the narcissistic leader and the Machiavellian leader.  Other than the names listed in question 2, give examples of narcissistic and Machiavellian leaders and their behavior discussed in class (other than those listed in question 2 of this question).

2. Based on the film, “Pirates of Silicon Valley,” (http://www.veoh.com/watch/v46093745wbEGkakh) how would you describe Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs using these concepts? Support your answer.

3. Do you believe that these traits are positive or negative in these leaders? Support your answers.


AACSB  question set 2:

Using the article provided in class entitled “When should a leader be directive or empowering? How to develop your own situation theory of leadership”, explain the five main leadership styles, providing the following information for each style:

• Description of the style:

• Explanation of a least two instances when using this style may be appropriate for a leader, including a real or hypothetical business scenario for each instance.


Style #1: _______________ (write in the name of the leadership style)

Description of the style:

Provide thorough explanations of a least two instances when using this style may be appropriate for a leader. For each instance, provide a real or hypothetical business scenario.




Style #2: _______________ (write in the name of the leadership style)

Description of the style:

Provide thorough explanations of a least two instances when using this style may be appropriate for a leader. For each instance, provide a real or hypothetical business scenario.




Style #3: _______________ (write in the name of the leadership style)

Description of the style:

Provide thorough explanations of a least two instances when using this style may be appropriate for a leader. For each instance, provide a real or hypothetical business scenario.




Style #4: _______________ (write in the name of the leadership style)

Description of the style:

Provide thorough explanations of a least two instances when using this style may be appropriate for a leader. For each instance, provide a real or hypothetical business scenario.




Style #5: _______________ (write in the name of the leadership style)

Description of the style:

Provide thorough explanations of a least two instances when using this style may be appropriate for a leader. For each instance, provide a real or hypothetical business scenario.



Leader Analysis Assessment

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