Leadership and Advocacy: Programming for Community Need.

All programs for children are expected to provide high quality programs for young children. In addition to applicable local or state licensing requirements, administrators are “expected to go beyond meeting minimum standards established by the states and strive for higher standards of quality” (Sciarra, Lynch, Adams, and Dorsey, 2015, p. 31).

For the Unit 9 Assignment, you will use what you have learned throughout the course about administering programs for young children and their families. You will describe elements of a program you would create to address the needs of the children and families in your community, including how to address multiculturalism and diversity.

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Using the Unit 9 Assignment Template, you will write a 3-5 page expository paper that will include the following details about your program:

Diversity Needs Assessment

To understand the needs of your community, you must be able to evaluate the statistics for your population, specifically the diverse makeup of families. Factors such as age, race, and income can contribute to this.

 Visit the US Census Bureau site and review the demographic information for your state. THE STATE IS ALABAMA

  • Describe the results that you found from the needs assessment in your community.  
  • Based on the needs of the community, how will potential children and families be served?
  • How will multiculturalism and diversity be addressed?

Mission Statement

A well-developed mission statement demonstrates to prospective clients and outside observers that this is a quality center with a purpose.

  • Keeping in mind the cultural, educational, and socioeconomic levels of the children and families, create a clear and concisely written mission statement that describes the purpose and goals of your proposed program.


The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) has developed Program Standards for serving young children.

  • Discuss how you plan to address 2 of the NAEYC standards for serving young children.
  • Provide 2-3 developmentally appropriate practices you will use to ensure program quality and compliance for each standard you selected.

Quality Assessment

Each state provides a method to objectively measure childcare quality using a Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS). Within this system there is a measure for assessing quality of the environment, such as the ECERS, FCCERS, ITERS, or SACERS. In addition, there are other aspects of quality that are measured that contribute to an assigned “level” of quality. Incentive money is also awarded to providers that increase in value for each level they obtain.

Use the QRIS Resource Guide to find out your own state’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) for achieving highest quality. Then, respond to the following:

  • Describe the “levels” of quality and some examples of how you obtain the various levels.  
  • What objective quality rating scales will be used to measure your quality, and how is it used?


It is important to have a framework for evaluating your program to be sure it is meeting its goals, vision, and purpose. These evaluations should be made using a measure that has been researched and found to reliably rate quality in a standardized way. There are several articles listed in the Unit 9 readings to help you in this section.

  • Using at least 3 professional sources from the PG library (such as the journal articles listed in the Unit 9 Readings), compare 2 research-based quality rating frameworks for evaluating early childhood programs for continuous quality improvement. Be sure to use in-text citations and full references for these articles.
  • Choose one of the evaluation measures you reviewed and describe 3 ways you can use it to ensure continuous quality improvement.

Writing Requirements and Assignment Guidelines

Your Assignment should include the following elements:

  • Title Page: Provide your name, title of Assignment, course and unit number, and date
  • Body: Answer the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs
    • The assignment must be written in Standard English and demonstrate superior organization, including a highly developed viewpoint and purpose. The communication of your thoughts must be highly ordered, logical, and unified, displaying exceptional content, organization, style, and mechanics (including the use of correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure).
  • Reference Page: Sources in APA format
  • Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced
  • Use 6th Edition APA Formatting and Citation style

Leadership and Advocacy: Programming for Community Need

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