LEG 500 Discussion.

 “Anti-Discrimination in the Workplace” Please respond to the following:

  • Flora Tucker, a Hispanic female, applied for a sales position in Ames Department Stores in Seattle. After completing her application, she was asked to take a math test and a general aptitude test. As a result of her score, she was disqualified from consideration for the sales position.  Based on this scenario, argue whether or not you believe that this testing policy is a violation of Title VII.   Explain when an employer can use an Aptitude and/or other tests and how tests are validated.  
  • What legislation, besides Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, in the Chapter reading regarding anti-discrimination protection is the most important and the most influential of the 21st Century and why?  
  • What are the two forms of sexual harassment discrimination and provide an example of each. If your boss liked to hug employees in the morning for a job well done, is that sexual harassment?  Why or why not?   

LEG 500 Discussion

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