MacPhie and Company: The Growth Imperative.

Case questions include:

  1. How is growth in small companies different from growth in large companies?
  2. What are the key issues facing MacPhie at the time of the case?
  3. What is MacPhie’s current strategy?  Is the company differentiated enough in the market?
  4. On what services and industries should MacPhie focus?  Explain your rationale.
  5. Describe the company’s current financial performance.  What financial growth model is reasonable to support the goal of having 20 consultants by 2020?
  6. What options does the company have to achieve its goal of 20 consultants by 2020?  What operational structure and systems would be required to support the expanded structure?

Prepare an 8-10 page response to these questions.  Cite source material utilized; a minimum of 5 sources (including the case and textbook) should be utilized in your response.

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SkillsForTomorrow: A Management Team in Crisis

Case questions include:

  1. How does management consulting work?  What is the role of the management consultant in this particular situation?
  2. What are the main issues facing the SFT Harrisburg team of directors?  What are the root causes of these issues?
  3. How would you characterize Alvarez as a leader?
  4. What recommendations would you make to help improve the situation?
  5. If you were Martina Jones, specifically, how would you approach the Monday-afternoon meeting with the directors?  What would you do before, during and after the briefing with the directors/
  6. Is an off-site retreat advisable at this time?  If so, what would be the focus of the retreat?  Specifically, how would you organize the retreat?

Prepare an 8-10 page response to these questions.  Cite source material utilized; a minimum of 5 sources (including the case and textbook) should be utilized in your response.

Bon Star Hotel

Case questions include:

  1. How well is Kreig Corporation equipped to operate a hotel and casino?  How successful is its management?
  2. How can you improve the operational performance of the Bon Star Hotel?
  3. Conduct a stakeholder assessment of the Bon Star Hotel.
  4. When undertaking a strategic, tactical or change management move, managers need to determine the likely countermoves of their competitors or the stakeholders to assess their probability of success.  What kind of competitive response can you expect from stakeholders if you:

a. Renovate and refurbish the hotel?

b. Open the casino?

c. Replace the general manager?

d. Invest in new revenue-generating projects?

e. Lease Bon Star to a hotel management company?

f. Do nothing?

5. If you were the management consultant, what would be your recommendation to Krieg Corporation?  Compare and contrast your answers with the actual recommendation.

Prepare an 8-10 page response to these questions.  Cite source material utilized; a minimum of 5 sources (including the case and textbook) should be utilized in your response.

MacPhie and Company: The Growth Imperative

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