using Mano’s Basic Computer write a short program of five to ten lines in assembly language to accomplish something.
- Your program should start with an ORG instruction and end with an END instruction
- Opcodes should be from the set of twenty-five instructions described in Dr. Duchon’s tutorial
- Operand addresses apply only to the seven memory-reference instructions (AND to ISZ) and are identified with a one- to three-character label
- Labels identify an address where data is stored, or identify a location to branch to
- / / are used at the start of a comment
A short example would be:
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100 LDA CAT // The contents of location CAT are loaded into the AC
110 COM // The value in the AC is complemented
120 STA DOG // The value in the AC is stored in location DOG
130 HLT // The computer halts
140 CAT HEX 5 // contains the value in location CAT
150 DOG HEX 0 // contains the value in location DOG
END // end of source code
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