Marina Bay Sands.


Using a VR (virtual reality) where people can view a 360 degree realistic environment of the hotel. People would be able to navigate their way through the building just like they would in reality. Moreover, the people get an opportunity to enjoy the view and experience the rooftop infinity pool that oversees the city in special visual angle unlike never before. Through the means of a VR, we would like to persuade customers to experience the experience they have never experienced before.

What we are going to do:

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a) Create the realistic environment of Marina Bay Sands and upload it to the office website and booking website.  

b) Offer travel agency and tourist bureau from around the world VR device.

Investing movie

we are planning to invest in a film which would focus on the Marina Bay Sands as the major filming location (example: The Fast and the Furious 7, Mission Impossible 5 that were shot in Dubai Burj Khalifa Tower). The purpose is to highlight Marina Bay Sands and create an international awareness, in order to attract customers.

What we are going to do

a) James Bond 007

Travel Vloggers

  1. To review the hotels in YouTube and magazine, also mention the VR experience.


  • 3 pages (each part a page)
  • It’s about marketing the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore. 
  • VR,
  • Investing movie,
  • Travel Vloggers. 

Don’t need to introduce the Marina bay sands, just expand this 3 method. 

Marina Bay Sands

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