Marketing and Research Problems.

The paper must be two to three pages in length and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least two scholarly resources other than the textbook to support your claims and sub-claims.

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In each of the following situations, identify the fundamental source of the marketing problem or opportunity, a decision problem arising from the marketing problem or opportunity, and a possible research problem.

a. Cool Pool Supply is a manufacturer of swimming pool maintenance chemicals. Recently, a malfunction of the equipment that mixes anti-algae compound resulted in a batch of the product that only inhibits algae growth but also causes the pool water to turn a beautiful shade of light blue.
b. The MBA director of a local college recently extended offers to 20 promising students. Only five offers were accepted. In the past, acceptance rates have averaged 90%. A survey of non-acceptors conducted by the director revealed that the primary reason students declined the offer was their preception that the college’s course requirments are too “restrictive.”
c. Chocoholic Candy Company has enjoyed great success in its small regional market. Management attributes much of this success to Chocoholic’s unique distribution system, which ensures twice weekly delivery of fresh product to retail outlets. The directors of the company have instructed management to expand Chocoholics geographical market if it can be done without altering the twice-weekly delivery policy.

Marketing and Research Problems

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