Marketing Question.

  • (1)What are sources of cost advantage and how does it affect a company’s strategy?
  • (2)Can you explain three ways that economies of scale produce cost advantages? Can you identify a company that has implemented economies of scale to achieve superior cost advantages?
  • (3)Identify ways a company can improve its performance in order to effectively face the completion.
  • (4)What is the role of strategic planning in creating value for the organization? Can you provide an example of how a company uses strategic planning to create value for its organization?
  • (5)Identify ways a company can improve its performance in order to effectively face the completion.
  • (6)What is the role of strategic planning in creating value for the organization? Can you provide an example of how a company uses strategic planning to create value for its organization?
  • (7)What are the ethical tensions in advertising? Who are the responsible parties for keeping advertising ethical and what is their specific responsibilities? PART B – PAPER Purpose of Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to help students understand the influence that ethics and social responsibilities have on the strategic planning process. Assignment StepsWrite a 700-word report in which you address the following:
    • Define and explain the role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan while considering stakeholder needs and agendas.
    • Include at least one example of a company overstepping ethical boundaries for stakeholder agendas, and identify what types of preventative measures could be taken to avoid this type of situation.

    Cite 3 scholarly referencesFormat your paper consistent with APA guidelines

Marketing Question

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