Mental Health. Now, it’s time to turn in your 6 to 8-page semester project. Remember your project should include the following:

  • A Mental Health Concern – and the Patient or Community – for your project.
  • A brief history of the patient including diagnoses and medications – or a brief description of the community issue.
  • Any substance abuse, addiction or violence issues surrounding this mental health problem. Describe the attempted interventions that have been made for your patient or community, and identify what has been successful and what has not. Submit a rough draft of the information gathered so far.
  • Describe your thoughts regarding your patient’s or community’s mental health issue. Are there any cognitive concerns? Think about interventions that may be helpful. Include sources for evidence-based practice.
  • List appropriate nursing interventions for your chosen patient or community. How will you evaluate effectiveness? Include an evaluation tool or rubric.
  • Complete your Semester Project by identifying mental health resources that can be used for your chosen patient or community. Finish with an educational tool for your patient or community.

Mental Health

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