Midway Company Performance Summary.


In this assignment you will prepare a 5-6 slide PowerPoint presentation that describes the progression of your Capsim company during Competitive Rounds 1 through 3 (SEE SAMPLE PRESENTATION). The audience consists of new members for your company’s board of directors, and the presentation is intended to quickly bring them up to speed about the progress of the company over the past couple of years.

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I used the below links to complete rounds 1 to 3. The reports described in the vidoes may vary from the attached Foundation FastTrack reports, as it seems I my company performance was better. So please use the attached reports for completing presentation. The links are for referencing on why I made the decisions that I made for rounds 1 to 3. I am on the Andrews Team. My products are Able, Ace and Adam. They were created throughout the rounds. Company name is: Smith Vector and they make sensors. See links below:

    ROUND 1:

Decisions Made Round 1 & why: https://youtu.be/FE8vUdFzJM8

Analysis for Round 1: https://youtu.be/hr0-k-zpEJY

    ROUND 2:

Decisions Made Round 2 and why: https://youtu.be/PDYMmh1ZK4k

Analysis for Round 2: https://youtu.be/_yI6qRqEBzw

    ROUND 3:

Decisions Made Round 3 and why: https://youtu.be/fKPwxtTF_4s

Analysis for Round 3: https://youtu.be/Jd6JXDuggEA


You will prepare a five- to six-slide PowerPoint presentation that describes the progression of your Capsim company (Smith Vector) during Competitive Rounds 1 through 3. Your audience consists of new topic members for your company’s topic of directors, and the presentation is intended to quickly bring them up to speed.

In referring to Foundation FastTrack reports (see attached), describe the progression of your Capsim company during Competitive Rounds 1 through 3 relative to the following:

I. Your Product

Pay particular attention to the sections on the low-tech segment, high-tech segment, and perceptual map.

a. Where is your product positioned? (Low-tech? High-tech?)

b. Does your product fit the consumers’ desires for the product segment?

c. How did the release data of your product impact its performance?

II. Production Analysis

Pay particular attention to the sections on R&D, capacity, and funding your plant improvements.

a. What is your production schedule?

b. How did capacity for your product(s) change over the years?

c. How did automation change over the years? What impact did it have on your organization?

d. Did you discontinue a product?

III. Market Segmentation

Pay particular attention to the sections on market segmentation, pricing, the low-tech segment, the high-tech segment, and the contribution margin.

a. What is the price of your product?

b. What was your promotional budget?

c. What was your sales budget?

d. What was the sales forecast for each product?

e. What were the accounts receivable (A/R) and accounts payable (A/P) implications of the decisions?

IV. Financial Performance

a. How did you pay for your R&D expenses?

b. How did you pay for marketing expenses?

c. How did you fund your production activities?

d. Did you buy back stock?

e. Did you retire bonds?

f. Did you take an emergency loan?

g. Did you pay dividends?

h. What is your cash percentage?

Midway Company Performance Summary

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