MKB2706 Brand and Product Management.

Assessment 2: Mini Tasks (4 mini tasks worth 20%) 

Mini task 4 – Leveraging Secondary Associations (5% marks) 


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This task requires you to apply the theories and concepts you learnt in week 7. In last mini task you selected brand elements to facilitate brand identification and differentiation.
In this mini task you need to focus on selecting some secondary associations for your brand. Leveraging secondary associations is an indirect approach to build brand equity. 

Secondary associations are discussed in Chapter 7 (Leveraging Secondary Associations to build brand equity) of the text. Please read this chapter before you attempt this task

Mini task 3 should contain the following: 

  •   Very briefly describe your new product/brand and your positioning strategy (from mini task 1/2. No mark allocated for this. It is just to remind the reader what your product/brand is. This section is not counted in word limit)
  •   Choose any 3 (three) of the following secondary associations that you think are most appropriate for your brand.

o Country of origin or other geographic areas
o Channelsofdistribution
o Co-branding(thisincludesingredientbranding) o Spokesperson
o Events(throughsponsorship)
o Other third party sources 

For each chosen secondary association discuss: 

a. b. 


why the association is appropriate for your brand
what brand knowledge/ associations will transfer from the chosen entity to your 

brand. (Please read p 261 to p263 of the text to understand the leveraging process) and
How it would help to build equity of your brand 

Use a wide range and a variety of sources as a base of your discussion and to provide strong support for your arguments. 

Grading Criteria: 

Your assignment will be graded based on the following: 

  1. (i)  Clear identification and justification of chosen secondary association (3 x 10 =
    30% marks)
  2. (ii)  Discussion on transfer of knowledge/associations(3 x 10=30% marks)
  3. (iii)  Discussion on the contribution of the association to brand equity (3×10=30%
  4. (iv)  Structure, logical flow, originality, clarity of written expression, use of APA
    referencing format (10% marks)

Submission instructions: 

  •   Submit online via Moodle as a pdf file.
  •   Submit as an essay with headings/subheadings.
  •   Include a title page with your name and student ID.
  •   Word limit: 500 words.
  •   Use APA referencing format within the text and in your reference list (see Q
  •   Include at least 3 journal articles (at least one article for each chosen secondary association) to support your discussion/arguments.

MKB2706 Brand and Product Management

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