Modern Management Concepts & Skills Assignment.

Produce the Essay Question submission in a single Microsoft Word or Open Office document containing your answer. Be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, and check your spelling. I have attached the information needed for this assignment. Minimum of 600 words for entire assignment. 

1. Diverse Employees Contribute to GE Lighting’s Bright Future Case. This case introduces chapter 3. After reviewing the case, respond to the following three questions:

  • How important is it to GE Lighting to have a diverse workforce? Discuss fully.
  • How would you control diversity activities at GE Lighting if you were top management?
  • What are the potential negative consequences if GE had very low levels of diversity in their workforce? (Note that this question is not shown in the textbook)

2. Building Your Management Skills Portfolio (page 101): this assignment is structured around the context of managing a business in Japan. Using the template framework shown in the book, respond to the questions asked in both exercise one and exercise two. You may need to do a bit of Internet research to enrich your answer.

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Modern Management Concepts & Skills Assignment

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