Module 1 Assignment
Module 1 AssignmentGraded Assignments may be found at the end of each chapter of the required textbook under the title “Real-World Exercises”. Each assignment is due between Monday to Sunday evening by 11:59 p.m. EST. of the respective week. Each student is to select one exercise (per module exercise) from the grouping as identified below. Provide documented evidence, in Moodle, of completion of the chosen exercise (i.e. provide answers to each of the stated questions). Detailed and significant scholarly answers will be allotted full point value. Incomplete, inaccurate, or inadequate answers will receive less than full credit depending on the answers provided. All submissions need to directed to the appropriate area within Moodle. Late submissions, hard-copy, or email submissions will not be accepted.
Module 1 Graded Assignment
From Chapter 1, page 37, Real World Exercise 1.1
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