1. ASL Film Reaction Paper– (Movie Reflection Paper)
  • You will watch a two-hour film about ASL and deaf culture then write your personal reflection.
  • Do not write a summary of the movie.
  • Your reflection must be relevant to the scenes of the movie.
  • What insights did the movie give you about ASL and deafness? What scenes from the movie changed your perception of ASL and deafness?
  • This requires a full typed two-page, 1.5 line spacing limit, please follow APA/MLA formatting.
  • You may choose to submit your work here by typing in the Canvas RCE (Rich Content Editing) platform or upload a MS Word document file (.doc or docx). Other forms of file will not be accepted.
  • Film Assigned: Children of a Lesser God (1986) (Links to an external site.)
  • Please be advised that this requires a DVD rental or Online Streaming. Amazon Prime and VUDU has it available for rent as low as 2.99. The HB Central Library also has it available for free. They require a membership and a curbside pick up. If you live outside HB, you can check with your local library.
  1. ASL/English Bilingual Reaction Paper
  • Subject: ASL/English as a Bilingual Model for DHH Students
  • Objective: To learn about ASL/English model and how it plays a vital role in the field of DHH education.


  • Find a published article (study, analytical, or argumentative) on topics about ASL/English as a bilingual model for deaf and hard of hearing children. Anything pertaining to the topic is acceptable, as long as it is scholarly and focuses on ASL and deafness.
  • Article must be no older than 2005.
  • Upload a copy of the article with your reflection paper or provide the URL address. Make sure the link is accessible.
  • Share briefly what the article is about.
  • Share your insights about the article.
  • Share your thoughts about ASL/English model. Note: you may need to do additional research to find out more about the model/method if your article does not do a good job of defining it.


  • Answer the following questions on a full typed two-page paper. Use 1.5 line spacing (no double space).
  • What is the article about? What was the result of the study if any?
  • How has this article, whether it agrees or disagrees with the model/method, changed your perspective on deafness and ASL? What are your thoughts?
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