Negligent training.

3 to 5 paragraphs

Negligent training is a legal term for the lack of training or inadequate training that can be used in a lawsuit to prove the organization did not use reasonable care and thus did not provide an employee with all the knowledge and the basic skills to provide a safe environment for the guest. In many cases, justification has been used to hold the operation liable for the actions of the employee. For example, Sam was hired as a bus boy at a restaurant. One of his duties is to refill beverages (hot and cold) to the guests. On the day he started, the person who was to train him was sick. Consequently, Sam was not trained properly. One day, when he was refilling hot tea for a guest, he did not put the lid on correctly. Sam spilled hot water on the guest. He was so shocked that he blurted out that he was sorry but he never learned how to properly put on the lid. The guest decided to sue and used negligent training of the employee during the lawsuit.

Using the online library, Internet, or other course materials, find an article on negligent training.

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In 3–5 paragraphs, address the following:

  • Summarize the article, including what industry it pertains to and other important facts.
  • Describe 3 ways you would reduce negligent training.
  • Cite the article and any other resources using APA style.

Negligent training

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