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            Nurses play an important role in the healthcare system. As the first point of contact with patients, nurses are responsible for addressing their concerns about the effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 vaccines. They administer vaccines and ensure people receive the required doses as in accordance to the ministry of health guidelines. Manning et al. (2019) state that nurses can help institutions such as schools and offices develop vaccination guidelines to minimize virus spread. At the same time, they are well-positioned to identify social and cultural barriers that might hinder vaccine administration among certain populations. 

            Also known as telehealth, telemedicine has gained popularity in recent times. The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed healthcare systems to adopt digital ways of serving patients to minimize exposure to the virus. Nurses are at the center of telemedicine success as they sensitize patients about its benefits and risks. They educate patients on the benefits and limitations of telemedicine. They also offer assistance, such as installing the software on patient devices where necessary. Additionally, nurses use telemedicine technology to monitor patient progress remotely, a beneficial technique for patients with chronic illnesses. 

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            Prescription drug pricing is a major concern for many patients. The rising cost of healthcare is a bottleneck for low-income earners, with some opting to forego treatment or drug purchases due to a lack of funds. Like in vaccine administration, nurses are also at the frontline when prescribing drugs. They play the critical role of educating patients about the available alternatives and associated costs (Coster et al., 2018). They help patients understand the scope of their insurance coverage and how they can lower the cost of treatment by recommending generic drugs or advising patients to seek help from medical assistance programs. 


Coster, S., Watkins, M., & Norman, Ian. J. (2018). What is the impact of professional nursing on patients’ outcomes globally? An overview of research evidence. International Journal of Nursing Studies78, 76–83.

Manning, M. L., Gerolamo, A. M., Marino, M. A., Hanson-Zalot, M. E., & Pogorzelska-Maziarz, M. (2021). COVID-19 vaccination readiness among nurse faculty and student nurses. Nursing Outlook

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