NURSING ASSIGNMENT. Complete the assignment below and an appropriate answers

1. A client asks the nurse to explain the different types of advance directives. What information should be provided regarding living wills, durable power of attorney, and DNR orders?

2. What are the nurse’s responsibilities when delegating tasks?

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3. Which action will the nurse perform when conducting a Rinne Test? Occlude one ear and whisper three words. Have the client repeat the three words whispered. Place a vibrating tuning fork firmly against the mastoid bone. Place a vibrating tuning fork on top of the client’s head. Straighten the ear canal by pulling the auricle up and back.

4. A bed-bound client needs to be repositioned. What guidelines should the nurse follow to prevent personal injury?

5. A nurse is caring for a client prescribed an Aquathermia pad. What should the nurse monitor this client for during therapy?

6. List the steps for safely administering an ophthalmic medication.

7. A nurse is caring for a client that exhibits signs and symptoms of aspiration during their enteral feeding. What is a priority intervention the nurse should carry out?

8. A nurse is providing discharge information to a client prescribed home oxygen therapy via a nasal cannula. Which of the following should the nurse include in this education? (Select all that apply.)

A. Apply petroleum jelly around and inside the nares.

B. Remove the nasal cannula during mealtimes.

C. Check the position of the cannula frequently.

D. Report any nasal stuffiness, nausea, or fatigue.

E. Post “no smoking” signs in a prominent location.

​9. A nurse is preparing for a procedure with a client who has a latex allergy. What action should the nurse take regarding this allergy?


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