Operation management.

The research paper will have seven sections of management information systems concepts and should be a minimum of 1,500 words in length. Students should include responses to address the associated questions organized by section.

  • A detailed definition of management information systems – What is the definition of a Management Information System (MIS)? What is the purpose of utilizing management information systems in a business environment?
  • Evolution of management information systems – How have management information systems evolved with the changes in the business environment?
  • Management information system elements – What elements are included in a management information system?
  • Competitive advantage(s) and benefits of implementing management information systems in business – Why do businesses employ management information systems to manage business operations and provide management with information? How does the company use management information systems to realize a competitive advantage?
  • Management information systems implementation – *How does a business implement a management information system? What are the advantages and benefits of implementing a management information system?
  • Departmental/specialized use of management information systems – *Why do businesses utilize departmental/specialized management information systems?
  • Privacy issues and concerns when utilizing management information systems – What are some examples of privacy issues that become a concern when a business utilizes management information systems?

Using Sources

Sources for locating the information system(s) employed by a company may include the company’s corporate website, LinkedIn SlideShare website (which details a company’s profile and information systems), corporate SEC filings, and public corporate documents on information system projects and implementation.

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You may refer to the course material for supporting evidence, but you must also use at least three credible, outside sources and cite them using APA format. Please include a mix of both primary and secondary sources, with at least one source from a scholarly peer-reviewed journal.

Operation management

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