Option #1: Employee Rewards and Recognition. Many organizations have discovered that going beyond base pay to reward and recognize employees can have a significant impact on motivation, productivity, morale, teamwork, and organizational success. There are several types of rewards and recognition strategies: those that incentivize individuals, those that incentivize teams of employees, and those that incentivize the organization as a whole.

You have been asked to develop rewards and recognition incentives for your organization and then create a brochure that presents an overview of these offerings for the employees. You may choose a specific organization or create a hypothetical organization for this assignment. In your brochure, the following components can be considered:

  • The purpose behind employee rewards and recognition.
  • How incentives are connected to organizational goals.
  • Targets groups for the rewards and recognition (i.e., individuals, teams, or all employees).
  • Differing types of rewards and recognition options for the target groups.


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  • Create a 3-5 page brochure, or about 1500 words, not including the title and reference pages, which are required. Use graphics in your brochure to enhance the visual appeal to your audience.

Structural Requirements for Module 5 Option 1 – Employee Engagement Survey

If you choose Option 1, for maximum points, please use the section headers in bold below to craft your 5 page brochure. Use size 12 Times New Roman font. You must include various graphics.

  • Section 1- Purpose of Rewards & Recognition- In this section, explain the value and purpose behind employee rewards and recognition.
  • Section 2- How Incentives are Connected to Organizational Goals- In this section, explain how incentives are connected to organizational goals.
  • Section 3- Target Groups for Rewards & Recognition- In this section, identify and define the targets groups for the rewards and recognition (i.e., individuals, teams, or all employees).
  • Section 4- Target Group Rewards & Recognition Options– In this section, explain the differing types of rewards and recognition options for the target groups.
  • Section 5- References- In this section, You must support your analysis with at least three scholarly references, and can include resources from this course.

Option #1: Employee Rewards and Recognition

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