organizational behavior. 2. Established in 1985, Dolce&Gabbana is one of the leading international groups in the fashion and luxury goods sector. The Group creates, produces and distributes high-end clothing, leather goods, footwear, accessories, jewelry, and watches. It is rated as a top brand in several countries. (Source: Dolce&Gabbana website).

Explore the possibility of using the four mass customization strategies (that you have learned in this CLO) for anyone of the above products of your choice in the UAE context

Please use the Four Mass Customization Strategies ,which is below

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1. Collaborative customizers

– Help customers articulate their needs

2. Adaptive customizers

– Offer a standard product that customers can modify themselves

3. Cosmetic customizers

– Produce a standard product but present it differently to different customers

4. Transparent customizers

– Provide custom products without customers knowing they are customized

The answer should from 250 to 300 words

organizational behavior

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