Organizational Behavior , management homework help.

Organizational Behavior.

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Select a theory of Motivation from the text. Explain how you would use this theory or theories to motivate your employees if you were a manager. For instance, identify strategies you would use to solve conflicts among staff, encourage teamwork, creativity, make decision and communicate effectively with your staff? Please elaborate of all discussion points. Use in text citations to support your views throughout this paper.

Final paper Submission

Your final project components.

Write a 4-6-page paper on the following topic:

The body of this paper should be a minimum of 4 pages and a maximum of 6 pages. Cover page and references are separate. This is a research paper so please remember to cite your sources.

Below is a checklist of the components to include in this final project.

1. A cover page
2. Table of Contents
3. Introduction

4.Body of paper

5. Conclusion and summary
6. Reference List

Organizational Behavior , management homework help

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