Organizational Strategies.

Organizational Strategies

As Chapter 10 of our text tells us, partition and classification are two ways of dividing a subject. Classification divides and groups subjects that have some similarities into categories; partition divides one subject into parts. Subjects can be classified and partitioned in many different ways, depending upon the characteristic(s) the writer thinks is important.

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Assume that you are shopping for a laptop computer. Shop an Internet site and classify the laptops you find there into three or four categories. Then select one category and find three laptops that fit that category. Partition each of these laptops using three or four different features that are important to you (For example, you could use size of laptop, number of features, etc.). In your paper, list the categories of laptops you created and the features of the laptops you partitioned. Include one paragraph in which you discuss what you learned from this exercise. Be sure to cite the source of your information and to include a properly formatted title page on your assignment.

Organizational Strategies

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