paper essay. Write a 5 page paper (all 5 pages must be full of text) using 12 point font and 1 inch margins double spaced (1250 words) addressing one of the following questionsPick one of the questions below.

Select one product that is Health Information Technology (Electronic Health Records, telehealth, genomic sequencing, mobile health technology, or anything you want) that you think your hospital, company, government agency or clinic needs. Write a paper discussing the benefits and consequences of the technology. The last paragraph of the paper needs to be your recommendation to whether you think your organization should use this new technology.

You are tasked with improving a hospital process (length of stay in the hospital, number of hospital acquired infections, patient safety, fall prevention, or any other hospital process you can think of). Select what data within the Electronic Health Record will be of help to you, what data do you trust, what data will you examine closely. Realizing the data in an EHR is never perfect, how would you use this data to motivate employees to change their hospital process.

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