Pathophysiology -discussion board. Mr. K. is a 57-year-old man who consulted his physician after noticing marked leg pains while playing golf. He had previously noticed increasing fatigue and discomfort in his legs associated with moderate exercise. When sitting for extended periods with legs dangling, his legs became red, and sometimes his feet felt numb. His history indicates he smokes cigarettes and is chronically overweight. His blood cholesterol and other lipid levels are abnormal, and his physician suspects peripheral atherosclerosis as the cause of his discomfort.

Discussion Questions

1-Discuss the development of atherosclerosis, including the predisposing factors in this case and the pathophysiological changes.

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2-Discuss the complications that might develop in this patient.

3-Discuss the treatments for all aspects of the patient’s condition, including slowing the progress of atherosclerosis, maintaining circulation in the leg, and treating complications.

Use APA 6th Edition Format and support your responses with at least 2 peer-reviewed references within 5 years of publication.  All paragraphs need to be cited properly. Please use headers.  All responses must be in a narrative format and each paragraph must have at least 4 sentences.

Pathophysiology -discussion board

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