Personal Assessment Paper. INSTRUCTIONS:  In this 3-5 page paper, you will identify and discuss personal attitudes, values, behaviors, and experiences that may impede or enhance your ability to do crisis work.  Your paper must reflect accurate and supported knowledge of effective crisis worker characteristics and the dynamics of counselor burnout, vicarious traumatization, and compassion fatigue.  You will use the course readings, the assigned chapter below, and at least 2 professional journal articles dealing with counselor burnout, vicarious traumatization, or compassion fatigue.  Cite all references in the Outline and References Assignment in APA and use the alphanumeric outline format posted in the Paper Information folder in Blackboard under Course Information.  Cite all references and format the rough draft and final paper using APA style.  NOTE:  The page length above does not include the title page, reference page, or any appendices you may use.

James, R. K. (2008).  Human service workers in crisis:  Burnout, vicarious traumatization, and   compassion fatigue.  In Crisis intervention strategies (pp.530-562).  Belmont, CA:    Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.

Reminder:  This self-assessment must be informed by the course concepts, the assigned   reading, and at least 2 professional journal articles as described above.

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Personal Assessment Paper

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