Personal Project Presentations.

Week 8: Personal Project Presentations

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Post your Personal Project Presentations here for the rest of the class to review. After making your submission, you will each be expected to provide peer-review comments on two presentations from your colleagues (your choice.)  Please be professional in your review and provide constructive feedback.

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This assignment is worth 85 points toward your final grade. For this assignment, you must define a PERSONAL PROJECT, manage and execute that project over the next 5 weeks, and then present your project and your project management experience to your classmates during Week Eight of our course.


  • Define a project that solves a need for you, an associate, your team, your family, or your organization. The beneficiary of the solution will be considered the project sponsor/champion.
  • Present your proposal to your sponsor/champion and obtain their approval to proceed.
  • Share your project idea with your classmates via online discussion board (Week Three)
  • Create a Project Charter for your project (Week Three assignment)
  • Create a Work Breakdown Structure in MS Project (Week Five assignment)
  • Create a Project Plan – Network Activity Diagram (Week Six assignment)
  • Create a Project Plan – GANTT chart in MS Project (Week Six assignment)


Follow the templates for the Project Charter, WBS, Network Diagram and Project Plan provided by your instructor.

Choose a solution that is simple, feasible, useful, and can be implemented in a few weeks.

It is up to you to decide how to best present your project to your classmates. In our online environment, your presentation will be delivered online. You can prepare a video, a video with slides, a slide presentation with or without audio, a document with photos – your choice. Keep in mind, your grade on the project presentation WILL be influenced by how professional, interesting and compelling your presentation is.


  • A project to prepare Thanksgiving dinner
  • A project to decorate your place for the holidays
  • A project to paint a room, or some other minor home improvement
  • Plan a vacation trip
  • Plan a charitable fundraising event, party or Trivia Night
  • Write a term/research paper (for another course)
  • Be creative !!!

Personal Project Presentations

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