The Galaxy project consists of 8 interdependent tasks, labeled A through H. You’ve consulted experts, and have determined an optimistic, likely and pessimistic completion time (in days) for each of the tasks. The dependencies, and the times, are listed below.

Task Precursor(s) Optimistic Likely Pessimistic
A (start) 2 6 9
B A 18 19 20
C A 10 12 14
D A 12 18 24
E (start) 13 14 16
F B, C, D 8 12 16
G D, E 6 8 10
H F, G 17 20 21
(end) H      
  1. Draw a path diagram for the project.
  2. Calculate the expected length of each task.  Fill in the following worksheet.
Task Optimistic (O) Likely (L) Pessimistic (P) Expected Task
A 2 6 9  
B 18 19 20  
C 10 12 14  
D 12 18 24  
E 13 14 16  
F 8 12 16  
G 6 8 10  
H 17 20 21  

3.  Use the following worksheet to determine the lengths of all possible paths. Determine the critical path. What is its length? 

Path (Listing of tasks on the path) Expected Path Length

The Mojo Project consists of 14 interrelated tasks, A through N.  Their estimated normal completion times, normal costs, crash times and crash costs are given below. (Times in weeks; costs in thousands of dollars.)

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Task Predecessors Normal Time Normal Cost Crash Time Crash Cost
A (start) 3 4 2 5
B (start) 5 6 4 7
C A 2 3 2 4
D A 4 8 3 10
E A 3 5 2 7
F B 9 14 7 16
G B 4 5 3 7
H C, D 4 7 2 9
I D 6 2 5 3
J F 12 10 11 15
K H 4 6 3 7
L E, I, J 10 18 8 20
M K, L 8 10 6 14
N G 7 5 6 8

Use an online application (e.g., Sporkforge, 2014) to find the critical path, using the estimated normal times. Copy the output of the app into your upload as an image.

4.  Which tasks are on the critical path?

5.  What is the expected completion time of the project?

Instead of being finished in 4 weeks, task D takes 8 weeks.

6.  Which (if any) tasks should be crashed, to make up the lost time? Why?

7.  What is the additional cost of crashing the project?

Assignment Expectations

  • For Part 1;  Draw a PERT-CPM diagram clearly showing all the paths, plus the critical path. You may draw the diagram by hand, and paste a scanned image into your upload, but it must be totally legible.
  • For Part 2;  A PERT-CPM diagram is not required.  Use an online app;  paste an image of the app output into your paper.
  • Show, and explain, all the calculations supporting your answers.
  • Unambiguously state your answers.
  • Follow the instructions in the BSBA Writing Style Guide (July 2014 edition), available online at
  • There are no guidelines concerning length.  Write what you need to write – neither more, nor less.
  • Clearly demonstrate your understanding of both the theory covered in the Module, and the particulars of the Case.
  • Provide references and citations.  At a minimum, you should reference the course materials. These are referenced in APA format on the Background Info page.


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