Philosophical writing. Explain how the Yin-Yang way of thinking (the Yin-Yang model of how to look at contraries) together with the Hegelian model can help you look at the relation between distinct approaches (focusing on two representative ones) to treating one of the two recent major social events (either the COVID-19 event or the George Floyd event) as the issue under your examination.

Required steps/contents and hints:

(1) Briefly present major points of the Yin-Yang model, especially its distinct crucial features in contrast to the distinct crucial features of the Hegelian model (also briefly presented), as they are specified and explained in this class. [1.5 pages of the first version in a concise way while avoiding irrelevant or redundant remarks]

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(2) Briefly identify <1> the issue of the COVID-19 event or the issue of the George Floyd event with its distinct aspects under your examination; <2>  briefly explain two distinct approaches to the issue under your examination:
<2.1> briefly present each of the two distinct approaches (for example, if focusing on the COVID-19 event, the “sheltering-in-place” approach and the “working-without-lockdown” approach);
<2.2> distinguish each approach’s “perspective” dimension (i.e., its own working perspective itself pointing to some aspect of the issue) from its “guiding-principle” dimension (i.e., its typical attitude toward the relation between its own perspective and the other perspective from the other approach, adequate or inadequate);
<2.3> make sure whether the working perspectives per se of the two approaches are “eligible” (i.e., they do respectively point to and capture some distinct aspects of the issue) and thus complementary to each other for the sake of a more complete understanding of the issue, whether their associated guiding principles are adequate or inadequate. [1.5 pages of the first version]
Note: for those conceptual/explanatory resources like the distinct between methodological perspective and guiding principle, the distinct between “eligible” and “ineligible” perspectives, and the distinction between “adequate” and “inadequate” guiding principles, see the lecture notes for the 2nd session (6/3) and 8th sessions (6/17) and Reading 1.]

(3) Apply the Yin-Yang model together with the Hegelian model to your analysis of how (as an “adequate” guiding principle) you should adequately look at the relation between the “perspective” dimensions of the two approaches (whether and how these distinct perspectives are “eligible”, and, if yes, how they can be thus complementary and jointly contribute to your understanding and treatment of the issue under examination in a more complete and holistic way), in view of some (one or two) of the suggested four “adequacy” conditions for how to maintain adequate methodological guiding principles in relevant connections to look at distinct approaches as specified in the instructor’s guidance lecture note on such “adequate conditions” for the 8th session (6/17) (also see Part 3 of Reading 1). [minimally 1 page – up to 2 pages of the first version]

Philosophical writing

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