PICOT Assignment.


Please use the DPP School Level Review Checklist to ensure mentees have met the requirements within each section of the DPP form. This checklist is a guide to help the mentor and the mentee.

  1. It is an expectation that the mentee will review the checklist and initial all items completed prior to sending to mentor, found at: https://campus.capella.edu/web/doctoral-programs/professional//capstone  or
  • Mentor review of the DPP checklist:
  1. The mentor will review each section of the DPP checklist confirming the outlined requirements have been met.
    1. If met, the mentor will place their initials in the met box for that section.
    1. If not met, the mentor will place their initials in the not met box and provide feedback under “Reviewer’s Comments” in the sections not met.
  • Committee review of the DPP checklist:
    • Once the mentor has approved the DPP form and completed a review of the checklist, the mentor will send the initialed DPP checklist and the DPP form to the mentee’s committee for review.

Each committee member will

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  1. If met, place their initials in the met box for that section.
  2. If not met, place their initials in the not met box and provide feedback under “Reviewer’s Comments” in the sections not met.
  3. The committee member will send the checklist back to the mentor to provide to the mentee.
  • School level review- Once ready for school level review, the mentor will:
  1. Remove all comments on the DPP checklist that have been corrected
    1. Leave the reviewer’s initials approving the DPP form as met.
    1. Send the DPP checklist with the approved DPP form to school level review.
  • School level review will use the DPP checklist to confirm that each section has been met. If not approved the reviewers will provide feedback on how to meet the requirements on the DPP checklist under “Reviewer comments” within each section.

PICOT Assignment

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