Portfolio – Yahoo Security Breaches (multiple). Please create a portfolio – 1000 words minimum about the Yahoo Security Breaches happened in the last decade

Website –> https://www.cshub.com/attacks/articles/incident-of-the-week-multiple-yahoo-data-breaches-across-4-years-result-in-a-1175-million-settlement

Please use the attached white papers and technical documents as references to write about how a breach like that can be prevented for your organization?

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Review of a security incident or threat, describing it in-depth and proposing controls for future use.

What measures you can take?

How you can approach an incident like that in the first place?


Minimum 2 references

References can only be technical documents and white papers or journals

APA Citation Format

I have attached some white papers for your reference.

Feel free to use more but make sure its only technical documents, white paper or journals.

Portfolio – Yahoo Security Breaches (multiple)

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