By completing this assignment, you will gain insight to the individual’s legal rights to health care and individual rights in the context of government/policy-initiated public health efforts.

Imagine you are a chief ethics and compliance officer for a local public health department, and prepare a 16-slide PowerPoint presentation (title and reference slides do not count towards the total slide requirement) for presenting at a national health ethics conference organized by the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO).

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In this presentation, you should:

1) assess the conflicts of interest between individual rights and health care delivery and public health policies in the United States, focusing on a complex ethical issue of choice pertaining to public health policy; and

2) compare the United States’ approach to health rights and that of other high-income countries.

Your assignment must be supported with evidence from a minimum of four peer-review published resources articles. All sources used in this assignment, including your textbook, must be cited and referenced according to APA standards. Ensure your presentation includes visuals such as images and graphics to supplement your message. These images or graphics must be cited according to APA standards as well. As part of the presentation you must use the speaker notes section for the content slides to reinforce your presentation.


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