1. Define what constitutes a secure posture and how it helps in understanding the importance of having a good defense and attack strategy.

2. Describe the Incident Response Process and the importance of having one? Be sure to include some industry standards and best practices for handling incident response in your answer.

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3. What is a Cyber Strategy and why is it needed? How can you build an effective enterprise cyber strategy?

4. What is the Cybersecurity Kill Chain, the different stages of the attack, and what are some examples of activities that occur in each one of those phases?

5. What are some strategies to perform reconnaissance? 

6. What are some current trends in strategies to compromise a system?

7. Describes lateral movement and how attackers perform lateral movement once they compromise a system.

8. What is Privilege Escalation and describe some ways attackers can escalate privileges in order to gain administrative access to a network system?

9. What is Threat Intelligence and proves a few different aspects of threat intelligence?

10. What is the Recovery Process?

11. Describe Vulnerability Management and the importance of vulnerability management to mitigate vulnerability exploitation. 

12. Describe log analysis and provide some techniques for manual log analysis since it is critical for the reader to gain knowledge on how to deeply analyze different types of logs to hunt suspicious security activities

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