Premature Ejaculation Disorder.

 It is an APA style format. Information is provided in a paragraph format and with Times New Roman, Font #12, and double space.

  • No Graphs are allowed or pictures! This will increase your similarity rate tremendously!
  • Use your information and elaborate on the topic.
  • No copy or paste is allowed and you will receive 0.00 score for this assignment.
  • You need nine (9) pages to complete the whole project and you must follow the break down provided in class on the
  • Your paper must be original and unique!


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The paper assignment must include the following structure and it must comply with APA written standards:

  • Title page (1)
  • Abstract page (1)
  • Content pages (5)
  • Conclusion page (1)
  • And Reference page (1): You must provide the 3 journals from the FNU database to support your paper!

Therefore, there must be a minimum of nine (9) pages per project.

  • You must develop the assigned topic Only provided on Week 2 through the Class announcements! Your research paper assignment will Not be accepted or graded if you submitted a different topic from the one assigned to you previouly!
  • For more detailed information please, go to the following link:
  • By copying and pasting information to complete any assignment during the class such as Research papers, or Discussion Forums would not be tolerated. Therefore, your grade will receive 0.00 grade for this assignment. No Make-up or No exception!

Premature Ejaculation Disorder

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