Principled Leadership and Ethics PT.

Leadership Portfolio Submission

Submit the narrative that contains:

-your autobiography:  This section should give examples of events and people in your life that influenced your decision to explore the field of business leadership.  Notes from the classmate interview and your short speech will be helpful.  Approx. 2 pages

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–your strengths analysis:  Prepare for this section by completing the worksheet Leadership Traits Analysis.  Use the results of this analysis to complete the Personal SWOT analysis.  Theses are your notes to write approximately 2 pages that explore your strengths, weaknesses, implication of those findings, and a plan to strengthen your skills and remedy weaknesses.

–your leadership vision:  Prepare for this section by completing the worksheets Leadership Vision Development and Code of Conduct Development.  Use the answers from this section as notes to write out this section.  Approx. 1 1/2 pages

Attach the documents you used to create your portfolio as you would data to a report.

Code of Conduct Development Template_week5 - Copy.docx Code of Conduct Development Template_week5 – Copy.docxJune 26 2019, 11:10 AM Leadership Traits Analysis - Copy.docx Leadership Traits Analysis – Copy.docxJune 26 2019, 11:10 AM Leadership Vision Development Template - Copy.docx Leadership Vision Development Template – Copy.docxJune 26 2019, 11:10 AM Personal SWOT Analysis – Leadership Development_Week5 - Copy.docx Personal SWOT Analysis – Leadership Development_Week5 – Copy.docxJune 26 2019, 11:10 AM

Principled Leadership and Ethics PT

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