Product Selection.

You are a product manager planning to launch a new product. For this part of the project, you will select the product you want to focus on and discuss the target audience for this project.

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  1. Select the product you want to focus on in this project. This may be an existing product that is new to your company, or it may be a nonexistent product that is new to the world. If you choose to launch an existing product (one that is new to your company, but not new to the world), put a twist on it so that it is not identical to a product already in the market.

    NOTE: You will use the same product throughout the duration of the course project, so please choose wisely!

  2. Use a minimum of 2 scholarly sources to complete a 2-page paper in which you:
    • Discuss the product you plan to launch and explain why you selected it.
    • Include a preliminary discussion of who the target audience is for the product.
    • Outline the value that the selected product will deliver to the target consumer.
  3. Add an APA-formatted reference page containing the scholarly sources you used, and be sure to include in-text citations to those sources throughout your paper.

Product Selection

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