Professional Experience, communications homework help

Professional Experience, communications homework help.

Follow the link below to the PowerPoint presentation titled “PPT_Resources.” Click the circle next to the file name, then click “Download” in the menu bar at the top of the OneDrive webpage. Save the file to your desktop using the following file name format: Your_Name_Wk5_PPT.pptx

Please make sure to save it with your name!

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Locate an article, video, or other resource online that relates to using PowerPoint or effective slide design. Using the saved PPT slide on your desktop, provide a summary of this resource on the slide. This should be a brief summary, much like Professional Experience #2. Include your name in the “Notes” section of the slide along with a link to the resource/information if not provided on the slide itself. Do not alter or delete any other students’ slides.

Save the Your_Name_Wk5_PPT.pptx file. Upload your completed PowerPoint file to OneDrive by clicking “Upload” in the menu bar at the top of the OneDrive webpage. Browse to find your saved file on your computer.

When the upload is complete, submit a copy of the Your_Name_Wk5_PPT.pptx file to Blackboard using the “Professional Experience #3” link in Week 5.

In order to receive credit for completing this task you must:

•Provide a useful article, video, or other resource on using PowerPoint and/or effective slide design

•Include a brief summary of the resource on the slide

•Limit your resource overview to one slide

•Fill in the “Notes” section with your name

•Submit the Your_Name_Wk5_PPT.pptx file to Blackboard in the “Professional Experience #3” link

This is a pass/fail assignment. All elements must be completed (simulating the workplace where incomplete work is unacceptable) for credit. You cannot receive partial credit.

Professional Experience, communications homework help

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