/* Program to demonstrate function.*/

 Write a program which has two functions, the main function and the input function.

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The input function asks the user to enter an integer from 0 to 100, inclusive.

In the input function: 

• If the user enters a number that is out of the required range, the number is XXXXX returned to the main function; instead it prints an error message and then loops to ask the user to enter a correct number. 

•If the user enters a number in the required range, the number is XXXXX to the main function.

•If the user enters End Of File, the input function returns -1 to the main function.

• When the main function receives -1 from the input function, it prints a completion message and the program ends. 

• When the main function receives any other number, the main function prints it, and calls the input function again. 

•The input function does NOT print the numbers; they are only printed in the main function.

•Except for the -1, the main function prints all numbers returned to it from the input function.

Hints:You might use a do…while loop in the main function, that runs as long as -1 is not returned. You might use a do…while loop in the input function, that loops as long as the user enters a number that is out of the required range. Make sure your program does not confuse the datum -1 with EOF, which is also -1Only code one return from each function.

Test data: use each of the following values: 100 101 20 -5 0 9 -1 18 

The main function should print 100 20 0 9 18 and a run completed message.

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