Project: Ensuring Success. Succession Planning

This week, you will evaluate the impact of the new CEO on the organization, including cultural issues, leadership issues, and performance models

· Begin by analyzing the processes (e.g., executive coaching, storyboarding, work agreements, project management) you will use with the CEO to ensure that your succession plan will work and that the new CEO has the best chance to succeed

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· Continue your paper by assessing the impact the new CEO will have on the organization, its employees, and its culture. Be sure to consider the leadership attributes and cultural issues you identified in previous work on the project.

o How will the changing of the guard affect organizational or office politics?

o How might the leadership succession change the lines of authority in the formal organization?

o How might the leadership succession change networking and influence in the informal organization?

o How will the leadership succession impact teams and team performance?

· Evaluate how the organization will need to restructure its performance model(s) to reflect the leadership style and competencies of the new CEO. Be sure to consider some of the material studied previously in Week 5.

· Discuss how you will mitigate resistance to change, particularly among organizational groups that are fiercely loyal to the current CEO.

· Finally, identify and analyze various metrics, such as 360degree feedback, employee surveys, focus groups, and performance reports that you will use to evaluate the efficacy of your succession plan. Select the metrics you believe will be the most effective and describe their implementation and evaluation.

o What information will be necessary to measure the success of your plan?

o How will you gather this information?

o What will you do with this information to contribute to the continuous improvement of the new CEO and the organization?

Submission Details:

· Submit your paper as an 8 -page paper with Scholarly References. Microsoft Word document, using APA style.

Project: Ensuring Success

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