PS 125 Paper.

Directions –

In a 2 page paper, describe in detail at least one physical, one cognitive, and one psychosocial milestone/concept/theory ranging from ages 40-death, supported by references from your text, and at least one peer reviewed article and one magazine/newspaper article published in the last 5 years.

  1. Physical: Physical functioning and changes, sexuality and reproductive changes, health and illness, nutrition, sleep
  2. Cognitive: Education, career, stress, intelligence, cognitive abilities
  3. Psychosocial: Love, romantic relationships, parenthood, grandparenthood, the impact of family/peer relationships, grief, retirement, personality, long-term care considerations.

Your submission should be double-spaced in 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Be sure to cite your sources both in-text, and in APA format. Please make you describe each physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development observations.

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