Psychology. 1. In what ways do the typical attributions of people from collectivistic cultures differ from those of people from individualistic cultures? Why do these differences exist? Provide empirical evidence supporting your explanations.

2. Human beings often speculate as to the causes of others’ behavior. Explain how cognitive and motivational factors can cause people to be biased when making attributions. What are some of the social and individual consequences of the types of attributions they make?

In 750-1,000 words, provide a minimum of four personal examples to illustrate impression management, social tuning, social comparisons, mindsets, intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, or causal theories.

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One example provided must address face to face versus written communication styles. Are there measures that can be taken when communicating nonverbally to improve self-presentation, impression management, attributional inferences, and cognitive biases?

Each example provided should be based upon how your personal views were shaped by parents, teachers, friends, community, culture, etc. Each example should be supported by relevant research.


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