Psychology. Prior to beginning this activity,

Camp counselor and campers posing.jpgAn elderly lady cleaning up coffee cups.jpgNurse helping an elderly patient.jpg

In this journal,

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  • Reflect on the knowledge, based on theories of development, you have learned during this course
  • Discuss what skills can be developed from having this knowledge.
  • Analyze how knowledge about lifespan development theory can be applied to your goals and career.
  • Evaluate what ethical considerations should be taken when applying these skills.

Your journal this week should be 400 to 500 words and have an introduction and a conclusion as described in the Ashford University Writing Center’s resource, Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.). You should exhibit obvious attention to critical thought and understanding of the content, as demonstrated in Samantha Agoos’s TED-Ed Animation, 5 Tips to Improve Your Critical Thinking (Links to an external site.). You should include citations as needed to support your ideas. As this is your personal reflection about the material this week, your journal should limit the use of quoted material. Proper grammar should be applied, for which you should consider using the Writing Center’s Grammarly (Links to an external site.) resource. At minimum, cite your text to support your assertions within your explanation, but you may also use additional scholarly sources. The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. References should be listed following the reflection.


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