Psychology career Counseling assignment. COU 630 Assessment Report Draft Two Guidelines and RubricIn your first draft of the Assessment Report, you address the introduction, assessment review, and assessment administration.You will now build on that draft with your assessmentscoring, assessment results interpretation, recommendations, and conclusion. You are using the same results you received fromyour partner for your first draft as you complete this second draft. As part of your Assessment Results Interpretation, you will again explore validity and reliability. When considering validity and reliability of the instruments, together, often what you are looking for is how well the instruments predict suitability for a career. Typically the results will match up the individuals’ interests and personality with a potential career path. Refer to the COU 630 Final Project I Outline (located in the Assignment Guideline and Rubric section within Start Here)to help structure your project. Prompt: For this assignment, you willsubmit the assessment scoring, assessment results interpretation, recommendations, and conclusion sections of your career assessment report for instructor feedback. Specifically, the following critical elementsmust be addressed:

IV.Assessment Scoring

A.Discuss how the assessments are scored.

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V.Assessment Results Interpretation

A.State the results of each assessment.

B.Summarize what each assessment means. Discuss the personality and career assessments in separate paragraphs.

C.Summarize what the assessmentsmean together.

i.What is your interpretation of the assessment results?(Note: Your interpretation should be discussed as a separateheading under your summary of what the assessments mean together.)

D.Summarize what the results mean in terms of the client’s future career.

i.Make sure to provide rationalee. Your rationale should include how the meaning of the results align with the client’s future career.

E.Address the validity and reliabilityof the results.

i.Note: You discussed concerns around validity and reliability of the tools in the assessment review of your first draft. Now, discuss the validity and reliability of the tools’ ability to predict future career options based on the assessment results and research on the tool.


A.Discuss how the results impact their educational level.

i.Does the client need more education to seek a new career?

ii.What do the results implicate with respect to their education?

B.Identify any specific education resourcesyou would recommend. Why?

C.Identify any occupational resourcesyou may provide the client with.

i.What occupational resources would you recommend to help? Why?

D.Discuss what you suggest the client’s career directionshould be moving forward.

E.Support the client’s recommended career direction using data.

i.How is the data informing the labor market and the career path you are suggesting?


A.Summarize your overall career recommendations.

i.What are your overall recommendations and predictions and prognosis?

Attached you will find the result of the career assessment completed by the client

Please ensure you read all the requirements completion needs to be that on the level of a graduate student

Psychology career Counseling assignment

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